Snack/ Dinner

Salad with tomatoes, chicken, olives and bread 449kcal


Green olives  15g

Romain lettuce 110g

Red onion 55g

Tomatoes 130g

chicken breast 145g


  1. Toast the bread and then cut it into smaller pieces.
  2. Rinse the lettuce and tomatoes. Slice  the lettuce and dice the tomatoes. peel and slice the onion.
  3. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and top with the toasted bread pieces.


Quark with muesli and berries  455 Kcal


Whole almonds, raw, with skin – 8g

Raisins – 10g

Coconut chips – 10g

Musli – 35g

Blueberries – 40g

Banana – 45g

Quark, natural 0.2% fat – 340g


  1. Make the muesli by mixing the oats, raisins, coconut chips and chopped almonds.
  2. Add the quark to a bowl.
  3. Peel and slice the banana. Rinse the blueberries. Add the fruit to the quark with the muesli and serve.

Banana and cashew butter smoothie 500 Kcal


cashew butter – 20g

Banana – 130g

protein shake – 55 g

frozen pineapple – 100g

Cinnamon 1-2tsp


  1. Peel the banana and chop it into small chunks.
  2. Add all the ingredients along with some water, to a blender/food processor. Blend for about 30 seconds or until smooth. you may need to add more water to create a thinner consistency.
  3. Pour the smoothie into a glass and enjoy it.
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